class 1



 1. Computer – A Smart Machine


A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.      A refrigerator keeps things                                .

(a)      hot                                                                   (b) cool

(c)    both (a) and (b)                                             (d) none of these

2.      Which of the following machines can we not carry?

(a)      Desktop computer                                      (b) Palmtop

(c)   Tablet                                                              (d) Laptop

3.      A computer needs                                to work.

(a)      light                                                                 (b) sound

(c)   electricity                                                       (d) none of these

B.        Fill in the blanks.

1.      A                              is used to mix things.

2.      A                              is a small computer that can fit in our palm.

3.      We use                              types of computer to work.

C.       Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      A machine makes our work difficult.

2.      We should eat and drink near a computer.

3.      Computer is a man-made machine.

D.       Short answer questions

1.      What is a machine?

2.      Give any three examples of machines.

3.      Name three different types of computers.

E.         Long answer questions

1.      How is a palmtop different from a laptop?

2.      Why do we use a refrigerator and a washing machine at home?

3.      What is a tablet? How is it different from a desktop computer?

Answers to Worksheets


A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.   (b)                                    2.   (a)                                     3. (c)

B.       Fill in the blanks.

1.      mixer                               2.   palmtop                          3. different

C.      Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      False                                2.   False                                3. True

D.       Short answer questions

1.      A machine is a man-made thing. It makes our work easy.

2.      Any three examples of machines are washing machine, mixer and nail cutter.

3.      Desktop computer, laptop, palmtop and tablet are different types of computers.

E.       Long answer questions

1.      A palmtop is a small computer that can fit in our palm. A laptop is a computer that we can keep on our lap.

2.      A refrigerator keeps things cool and our food remains fresh for a long time. A washing machine is used to wash our clothes.

3.      A tablet is a kind of mobile computer having a touch screen. We can carry it anywhere. On the other hand, we cannot carry a desktop computer. We keep it on top of a desk.

2. Computer and Its Uses  


A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.      We use computers in                        .

(a)      playground                                                    (b)  kitchen

(c)   bathroom                                                       (d)    schools

2.      A computer can calculate very                            .


(a) slow



(c) nicely



3.      A/An                                       uses a computer in school.

(a)      teacher                                                           (b) doctor

(c)   officer                                                             (d) nurse

B.        Fill in the blanks.

1.      We can                          and                           letters, pictures and messages using computers.

2.      We can play                          using a computer.

3.      We can                          sums using a computer.

C.       Match the following columns.

Column A                                                       Column B

(i)      Car racing and shooting                                          (a) Cannot be used for cooking

(ii)      Computer                                                                   (b) Uses computer in school

(iii)      Doctor                                                                         (c) Uses computer in shop

(iv)      Teacher                                                                      (d) Computer games

(v)      Shopkeeper                                                               (e) Uses computer in hospital

D.       Short answer questions

1.      What games can we play on a computer?

2.      What can we watch using a computer?

3.      What can we calculate very fast using computers?

E.         Long answer questions

1.      Who all use a computer in schools, hospitals and airports?

2.      List three things you can do using computers.

3.      What was used to calculate before the computer was made?

Answers to Worksheets

. Tick [ü] the correct option.


1. (d)

2. (b)



B.        Fill in the blanks.

1.      send, receive


2. games





C.       Match the following columns.

(i)   (d)                       (ii)  (a)                        (iii)  (e)                        (iv)   (b)                         (v) (c)

D.        Short answer questions

1.      We can play games such as car racing, chess and shooting on a computer.

2.      We can watch cartoons and movies using a computer.

3.      We can calculate sums very fast using computers.

E.        Long answer questions

1.      A computer is used in schools by teachers, in hospitals by nurses and doctors, and in airports by pilots and attendants.

2.      The three things we can do using computers are listed below.

            We can draw and colour easily.

            We can watch cartoons and movies.

            We can listen to songs.

3.      In earlier times, there were no computers or calculators. People used an abacus to add and subtract numbers.

  3. Parts of a Computer

A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

     A computer has                         main parts.

(a)      five                                                                  (b)   four

(c)   ten                                                                   (d)   two

2.      CPU is the                          of a computer.

(a)      heart                                                               (b)   hand

(c)   eye                                                                  (d)   brain

3.      When we switch on a computer, we see a                                on the screen.

(a)      keyboard                                                        (b) wallpaper

(c)   mouse                                                             (d) CPU

B.        Fill in the blanks.

1.      A monitor                              what we do on a computer.

2.                                    is the most important part of a computer.

3.      We should not touch a switch with                              hands.

C.       Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      We cannot watch movies on a computer.

2.      A mouse helps to point at objects on the screen with a pointer.

3.      We cannot press the keys to type letters and numbers on a keyboard.

D.       Short answer questions

1.      Why is the CPU the most important part of a computer?

2.      What is the function of the UPS?

3.      Why does a computer mouse look like a real mouse?

E.         Long answer questions

1.      List the steps to start a computer.

2.      Give the basic features of the CPU.

3.      Write the features of a monitor.

Answers to Worksheets

A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.   (b)                                    2.   (d)                                    3. (b)

B.       Fill in the blanks.

1.      displays                           2.   CPU                                  3. wet

C.      Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      False                                2.   True                                 3. False

D.       Short answer questions

1.      The CPU is the most important part of a computer because it does most of the work. It is also known as the brain of the computer.

2.      The function of the UPS is to keep the computer ON, even when the electricity goes off.

3.      A computer mouse looks like a real mouse because of its shape. The cable attached to it looks like its tail.

E.       Long answer questions

1.      The steps to start a computer are listed below.

(i)     Switch on the main power supply.

(ii)     Switch on the UPS.

(iii)     Switch on the CPU.

(iv)     Switch on the monitor.

2.      The basic features of the CPU are listed below.

            CPU stands for central processing  unit.

            It is known as the brain of a computer.

            It is the most important part of a computer. It does most of its work.

3.      The features of a monitor are listed below.

            A monitor looks like a television screen.

            It displays what we do on a computer.

            We can also watch movies on it.


4. The Monitor and CPU


A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.      A monitor has a                          in front.

(a)       space                                                              (b)    money

(c)   screen                                                            (d)    button

2.      Monitor should be kept at                        .

(a)       see-level                                                        (b) below eye-level

(c)   eye-level                                                        (d) above head

3.      Nowadays CPU is built inside the                        .

(a)       monitor                                                          (b)    keyboard

(c)   mouse                                                             (d)    computer

B.        Fill in the blanks.

1.      CPU                         information.

2.      LED monitor is                          .

3.      A computer works by using its                          parts.

C.       Match the following columns.

Column A                                                              Column B

(i)      CRT monitor                                                                       (a)     Costly

(ii)      LCD monitor                                                                       (b)     Clearest picture

(iii)      LED monitor                                                                       (c)     Stores information

(iv)      CPU                                                                                      (d)     Consists of different parts

(v)      Complete computer                                                        (e)     Occupies a lot of space

D.       Short answer questions

1.      How is monitor connected to the CPU?

2.      What does a monitor do?

3.      Why can we not see the CPU of a computer nowadays?

E.         Long answer questions

1.      Why is the CPU called the brain of a computer?

2.      What is a complete computer system?

3.      Give three features of a monitor.

Answers to Worksheets


A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.   (c)                                     2.   (c)                                     3. (d)

B.       Fill in the blanks.

1.      stores                              2.   costly                               3. different

C.      Match the following columns.

(i)  (e)                                    (ii) (a)                                     (iii) (b)

(iv) (c)                                     (v) (d)

D.       Short answer questions

1.      The monitor is connected to the CPU using a cable or an electric wire.

2.      A monitor displays the work we do on a computer.

3.      Nowadays, we cannot see the CPU of a computer because it is built inside the computer.

E.       Long answer questions

1.      The CPU is called the brain of a computer because it stores information and makes all the parts of a computer work.

2.      A computer works by using its different parts. All these parts together make a complete com- puter system.

3.      The three features of a monitor are listed below.

            It looks like a television screen.

            It has an ON/OFF button.

            We connect it to the CPU using a cable or electric wire.

 5. The Keyboard


A.       Tick [P] the correct option.

1.      A keyboard is like a                   .

(a)       typewriter                                                     (b) box

(c)   letter                                                               (d) none of these

2.      The                   key works like an eraser.

(a)      Caps Lock                                                      (b) Space bar

(c)   Delete                                                             (d) Arrow

3.      There are                   Delete keys on a keyboard.

(a)   5                                                                      (b)   1

(c)   3                                                                       (d)   2

B.        Fill in the blanks.

1.      There are                       arrow keys.

2.                             key is used to erase a letter or a number to our left.

3.      We enter                       through a keyboard.

C.       Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      A keyboard is like a typewriter with many buttons on it.

2.      The Enter key helps us to erase the typed text.

3.      The buttons on a keyboard are known as letters.

D.       Short answer questions

1.      How are the keys arranged on a keyboard?

2.      Why should we not drink or eat anything near a computer?

3.      What is a cursor?

E.         Long answer questions

1.      What is a keyboard?

2.      State the difference between Delete key and Backspace key.

3.      What are the arrow keys used for?

Answers to Worksheets


A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.   (a)                                     2.   (c)                                     3. (d)

B.       Fill in the blanks.

1.      four                                  2.   Backspace                      3. information

C.      Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      True                                 2.   False                                3. False

D.       Short answer questions

1.      The keys are arranged in different ways on different keyboards.

2.      We should not drink or eat anything near a computer because if we spill something on a keyboard, the keys can get stuck.

3.      The small blinking line that we see on a monitor is called cursor.

E.       Long answer questions

1.      A keyboard is like a typewriter with many buttons on it. We call these buttons KEYS. We enter information through a keyboard. It can be in the form of words or numbers or both.

2.      The Delete key removes the text to our right whereas the Backspace key deletes the text to our left.

3.      The arrow keys help us to move the cursor in different directions.

     6. The Mouse


A.       Tick [P] the correct option.

1.      A                              connects a mouse to the CPU.

(a)       wire                                                                (b)   scroll-wheel

(c)   left button                                                      (d)    right button

2.      A mouse is a part of a                              .

(a)       computer                                                      (b) keyboard

(c)   CPU                                                                 (d) screen

3.      A                          mouse is one without a scroll-wheel.

(a)       lasik                                                                (b) simple

(c)   light                                                                 (d) laser

B.        Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      When we move a mouse, the pointer also moves in the same direction.

2.      We use Click and Drag to move an item on the screen.

3.      When we click the right button of a mouse, we call it left-click.

C.       Match the following columns.

Column A                                                              Column B

(i)      Switch off                                                                           (a)     Selecting item

(ii)      Single-click                                                                         (b)     Left mouse button

(iii)      Index finger                                                                        (c)     Mouse pad

(iv)      Left button                                                                         (d)     Shutting down

(v)      Mouse                                                                                 (e)     Left-click

D.       Short answer questions

1.      What does a mouse pad do?

2.      When does a computer work properly?

3.      What are the parts of a mouse?

E.         Long answer questions

1.      What are the two main types of mouse?

2.      How do you shut down a computer?

3.      State the difference between a single-click and a double-click.

Answers to Worksheets


A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.   (a)                                     2.   (a)                                     3. (d)

B.       Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      True                                 2.   True                                 3. False

C.      Match the following columns.

(i)  (d)                                     (ii)   (e)                                    (iii) (b)

(iv)  (a)                                     (v) (c)

D.       Short answer questions

1.      A mouse is kept on a mouse pad. It keeps a mouse free from dust and dirt.

2.      A computer works properly when we shut it down in a proper way.

3.      The parts of a mouse are listed below.

            Left and right buttons



E.       Long answer questions

1.      The two main types of mouse are listed below.

(i)     Mouse with a scroll-wheel

(ii)     Mouse without a scroll-wheel

2.      We use a mouse to shut down a computer. The steps followed to do so are listed below.

(i)     Use the left mouse button to click on the Start button. A pop up menu will come on the screen.

(ii)     Click on Shut down.

(iii)     Switch off the monitor.

(iv)     Switch off the UPS.

(v)     Switch off the wall switch.

3.      A single-click refers to the pressing of the left mouse button once and releasing it. A double-click means pressing the left mouse button twice and then releasing it.

     7. Microsoft Paint


A.       Tick [P] the correct option.

1.                                    is a program we use to draw pictures.

(a)       Microsoft Word                                           (b) Microsoft Excel

(c)   Microsoft Paint                                             (d) None of these

2.      The Title bar is at the                              of the Paint window.

(a)       bottom                                                           (b) middle

(c)   top                                                                   (d) right

3.      The Help button is in the                              bar.

(a)       Menu                                                             (b) Tool

(c)   Title                                                                 (d) Drawing Area

B.        Fill in the blanks.

1.                                    is the area where we draw a picture.

2.      The Paint window opens on the                              .

3.                                    bar shows the name of a picture.

C.       Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      The Menu bar tool helps us to change the size of a picture.

2.      The Brush tool helps us to change the size of a brush.

3.      Microsoft Paint is not a program to draw pictures.

D.       Short answer questions

1.      What is the purpose of Microsoft Paint?

2.      What is the function of Pencil tool?

3.      Where are most of the commands present?

E.         Long answer questions

1.      Write the steps to start Microsoft Paint.

2.      What are the four items on the Menu bar?

3.      Write a short note on important parts of Paint window.

Answers to Worksheets


A.       Tick [ü] the correct option.

1.   (c)                                     2.   (c)                                     3. (a)

B.       Fill in the blanks.

1.      Drawing Area                 2.   monitor                           3. Title

C.      Write true (T) for a correct statement and false (F) for an incorrect statement.

1.      False                                2.   True                                 3. False

D.       Short answer questions

1.      Microsoft Paint helps us to draw and colour a picture with the help of a computer.

2.      Pencil tool helps us to draw shapes and lines with it. We use it to make a drawing with thin lines.

3.      Most of the commands are present in the Ribbon.

E.       Long answer questions

1.      The steps to start Microsoft Paint are stated below.

(i)     Click on the Start button.

(ii)     Click on All Programs.

(iii)     Click on Accessories.

(iv)     Click on the Paint option.

2.      The four items present on the Menu bar are listed below.

(i)     Paint button

(ii)     Home tab

(iii)     View tab

(iv)     Help button

3.       Following are the important parts of Paint window.

Title Bar: It is at the top of the Paint window. It shows the name of the picture. Quick Access Toolbar: It has important buttons like Save, Undo and Redo.

Menu Bar: It has four items — Paint button, Home tab, View tab and Help button. Ribbon: It has all the tools and the Color palette. Most of the commands are present here. Drawing Area: It is the area where we draw a picture.


Assessment Sheets

                                             Assessment Sheet  1     


A.        Fill in the blanks.

1.      A television is a                               .

2.      A computer needs                                to work.

3.          is the brain of a computer.

4.      We see the                               on the screen when we switch on the monitor.

5.      CPU makes all parts of a computer                                .

B.         Tick (P) the right option.

Which of the following computers fits in the palm? 




Which of the following shows what we do on a computer? 




Which of the following monitors is very heavy? 




C.       Unscramble the following words.


2.      OCPMEUTR

3.      OMINTOR

4.      EBKYORAD

5.      SUMOE

D.        Write true (T) or false (F).

Only a few machines work very fast.

2.      Computer saves our time.

3.      Laptop computer cannot be carried anywhere.

4.      We cannot do sums on a computer.

5.      UPS is an additional part of a computer.

6.      CPU stores information.

E.         Answer orally.

1.      List any two features of a machine.

2.      Name the computer that cannot be carried anywhere.

3.      List any two uses of a computer.

4.      What is the use of a keyboard?

5.      List any two features of an LCD monitor.

                                          Assessment Sheet 2                                        


A.       Name the following.

1.      It is a computer that can be kept on our lap.                                                                                     

2.      It looks like a television screen.                                                                                                           

3.      It helps to point at objects on the  screen.                                                                                          

4.      It keeps the computer ON, even when the

electricity goes off.                                                                                                                 

5.      The pictures in this monitor are clearer than

CRT and LCD.                                                                                                                               

B.        Write true (T) or false (F).

We use a refrigerator to mix things.

2.      A computer needs electricity to work.

3.      We can keep a desktop computer on our lap.

4.      We cannot play games on a computer.

5.      We press the keys on a keyboard to type letters and numbers.

6.      Nothing appears when we switch on the computer.

C.       Tick (P) the right option.

Which of the following is not a feature of a computer?

               It works very fast.

It needs CNG to work. 

It saves our time.

Which of the following is a mobile computer having a touchscreen? 




Which of the following is not a main part of computer? 


Mouse pad    


D.       Do as instructed.

1.      Write any two features of a machine.

2.     2.     Name any two types of computers.

3.      3.Write any two uses of a computer.

4.      4.Name four main parts of a computer.

5.      5.Write any two features of a CPU.



E.         Answer orally.

1.      Name any two machines that you use.

2.      Name any two places where we use computers.

3.      List any two functions of a mouse.

4.      What is the full form of CPU and UPS?

5.      Which part of a computer is easily breakable?

                               Assessment Sheet 3                                        


A.       Fill in the blanks.

1.      We enter information through the                                     in the form of words or numbers.

2.                                           is the longest key on the keyboard.

3.      Pressing the Caps Lock key second time turns it                                    .

4.      A mouse pad keeps the mouse free from                                    and                                     .

5.      We use                                    tool to remove what we have made.

B.        Write the functions of the given keys and tools.

1.      Enter key:

2.      Arrow key:

3.      Pencil tool:

4.      Fill with colour tool:

5.      Brush tool:



C.       Match the following columns.

Column A                                                   Column B

1.      Keyboard                                                                (i) Cursor control keys

2.      Delete key                                                             (ii) Scroll-wheel

3.      Arrow keys                                                           (iii) Present at the top of the Paint window

4.      Mouse                                                                   (iv) Typing

5.      Title Bar                                                                 (v) Works like an eraser

D.       Tick (P) the right option.

Which of the following keys removes a letter or number to our right?

               Eraser key

Delete key 

Enter key

Which part of a mouse helps us to move a page up and down? 

               Left button



Which of the following tools is used to draw shapes and lines? 


Fill with color 


E.         Answer orally.

1.      How many keys are present on a keyboard?

2.      Is the arrangement of keys the same in different keyboards?

3.      How many Delete keys are there on a keyboard?

4.      Which part of a mouse connects it to the CPU?

5.      What do you understand by clicking?

6.      Name the area where we draw the picture in the Paint window.

                                   Assessment Sheet 4                                        


A.       Name the following.

1.      It is a special seat to keep mouse.

2.      It is an arrow that we see on the monitor.

3.      It is a part of the Paint window having buttons like Save, Undo and Redo.

4.      It is a tool used to fill colour in an object.

B.        Write true (T) or false (F).

The letter keys are arranged in a jumbled order on a keyboard.

2.      It is not important to use the Space bar key after every word, comma and full stop.

3.      It is easier to move a mouse with mouse pad.

4.      Double-click means pressing the left button once and releasing it.

5.      We can change the size of the Brush tool.

C.       Unscramble the following words.



3.      LIKCCNIG

4.      IBORBN

5.      EAERSR

D.       Fill in the blanks.

1.      The number keys show numbers from                to                 .

2.      The Delete key works like an                            .

3.      Moving the mouse while keeping the left button pressed is called                           .

4.                                 , a part of the Paint window has all the tools, the Color palette and most of the commands.

E.         Answer orally.

1.      What do you understand by typing?

2.      What is the function of the Enter key?

3.      Name different parts of a mouse.

4.      What do you mean by single-click?

5.      Which tool will you use to draw a circle?

Answers to Assessment Sheets



                              Assessment Sheet 1                                        








3. CPU
















3. CRT


















D.     1.


2. T



4. F

5. T

6. T

E.      1. (i) It makes our work easy.

(ii) It works very fast.

2.     Desktop computer cannot be carried anywhere.

3.       (i) We can draw and colour easily.

(ii) We can do sums and calculate very fast.

4.     A keyboard helps us to give commands to the computer.

5.       (i) It is not very heavy.

(ii) It occupies less space.


                                Assessment Sheet 2                                        


A.     1.

























1.It needs CNG to work.

2. Tablet

3. Mouse pad

D.     1.

(i) It works very fast.





(ii) It makes our work easy.



Laptop, Desktop



(i) We can play games and listen to songs.



(ii) We can do sums and calculate very fast.



Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard, CPU



(i) It is the brain of a computer. It makes all the parts of a computer work.



(ii) It stores information.



School, Hospital



(i) It helps to point at objects on the screen with a pointer.



(ii) It helps us to draw pictures and play games.



CPU – Central Processing Unit



UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply



Monitor is easily breakable.

                                          Assessment Sheet 3                                        


A.        1.  keyboard              2.  Space bar               3.  off                4.  dust, dirt               5. Eraser

B.        1. It helps us to move to the next line.

2.     It helps us to move the cursor in different directions.

3.     It is used to make a drawing with thin lines.

4.     It is used to fill colour in an object.

5.     It helps us to draw with thick lines.

C.     1.  (iv)                   2.  (v)                     3.  (i)                      4.  (ii)                      5. (iii)

D.         1.  Delete key     2. Scroll-wheel 3. Pencil

E.          1. There are 104 or more keys present on a keyboard.

2.     No, the keys are arranged in different ways in different keyboards.

3.     There are two Delete keys present on a keyboard.

4.     Tail (wire) connects the mouse to the CPU.

5.     Clicking means to press and release the mouse button.

6.     We draw the picture in Drawing Area in the Paint window.


                                  Assessment Sheet 4                                        


A.     1.  Mouse pad                                    2. Mouse pointer

3.   Quick Access Toolbar                  4. Fill with color

B.     1.  T                       2.  F                        3.  T                        4.  F                        5. T


C.     1.












D.     1.

0, 9



3. drag

4. Ribbon

E.      1. When we press different keys of a keyboard to type words or numbers, it is called typing.

2.     The Enter key helps us to move to the next line.

3.     Left and right buttons, scroll-wheel and tail (wire) are the different parts of a mouse.

4.     Single-click means pressing the left mouse button once and releasing it.

5.     Oval tool is used to draw a circle.


                Chapter 1: Computer: A Smart Machine

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Things can be divided into two groups: _____________ and _____________.

2. Cars and toys are _____________ things.

3. Man-made things that make our work easy are called _____________.

4. A computer is a _____________ machine.

5. A _____________ is smaller than a tablet.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Some machines run on diesel, petrol or CNG.

2. All machines that we use run on electricity.

3. A desktop computer is kept on top of a desk. We cannot carry it.

4. A smartphone is a mobile computer.

C. Match the columns.

Column A                                 Column B

1. Desktop computer               (a) Kept on our lap

2. Laptop                                 (b) Mobile phone

3. Smartphone                         (c) Mobile computer with a touch                                                                                        screen

4. Tablet                                  (d) Kept on top of a desk

D. Answer the following questions.

1. List the features of a smart machine.

2. Name the types of computers that we use.

Answers to Worksheet

A.     1. natural things, man-made things

        2. man-made

        3. machines

        4. smart

        5. Smartphone

B.     1. True 2. False

        3. True 4. False

C.     1. (d) 2. (a)

        3. (c) 4. (b)

D. 1. A computer is a smart machine.

  • It is a man-made machine.

• It can do many things.

• It needs electricity to work.

• It works very fast.

• It saves our time.

2. We use different types of computers to work.

• Desktop computer: We keep a desktop computer on top of a desk. We cannot carry it to

other places.

• Laptop: We can keep a laptop on our lap. It is smaller in size. We can carry it to different


• Tablet: A tablet is a mobile computer. It has a touch screen. We can carry it to other places.

• Smartphone: A smartphone is smaller than a tablet. It is a mobile phone. It is used to make calls and send messages. We can also listen to songs and watch movies on a smartphone.

We can carry it to other places.

Chapter 2: Uses of a Computer

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. A computer helps us to type ___________and ___________.

2. We can send and receive letters, messages using the __________.

3. We can draw and colour pictures easily on a computer using a ___________.

4. We can book _________ on a computer.

5. A ___________ uses a computer to teach students.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Addition and subtraction on a computer takes time.

2. We can make beautiful greetings cards using a computer.

3. We can search information related to any topic using the Internet.

4. We can store information on a computer.

C. Match the columns.

Column A                                     Column B

1. Schools         (a) Deposit and withdraw money

2. Hospitals     (b) Teach students and help them to make projects

3. Banks         (c) Make bills of food items ordered by people

4. Restaurants (d) Keep records of patients

D. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the uses of Internet?

2. Name a few places where computers are used.

Answers to Worksheet

A. 1. letters, stories

2. Internet

3. mouse

4. tickets

5. teacher

B. 1. False 2. True

3. True 4. True

C. 1. (b) 2. (d)

3. (a) 4. (c)

D. 1. We use the Internet for various purposes. Few of them are as follows.

• We can send and receive letters, messages using the Internet.

• We can search information related to any topic using the Internet.

• We can book tickets online.

2. We use computers in a lot of places. Few of them are as follows.

• School

• Shops and Malls

• Hospitals

• Offices

• Banks

• Railway Stations and Airports

• Home

• Restaurants

• Hotels

Chapter 3: Parts of a Computer

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. A computer has four main parts: ___________, ___________, ___________ and ___________.

2. A keyboard consists of many buttons called ___________.

3. A mouse helps to point at objects on the ___________ with a pointer.

4. A ___________ helps to print the work done on a computer on a paper.

5. We mostly find ___________ speakers connected to a computer.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. A printer is used to record different sounds.

2. A speaker reads text, images and hand-drawn pictures.

3. A mouse is used to print the work done on a computer on a paper.

4. CPU is called the brain of a computer.

C. Match the columns.

    Column A                                     Column B

1. Keyboard                 (a) The part used to print the work done on a computer

2. Speaker                     (b) The main part that controls a computer

3. CPU                         (c) The part of a computer from which the sound comes out

4. Printer                     (d) The set of keys for operating a computer

D. Answer the following questions.

1. Write about the four main parts of a computer.

2. Label the parts in the given picture.

Answers to Worksheet

A. 1. monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse 2. keys 3. monitor

4. printer 5. two

B. 1. False 2. False 3. False 4. True

C. 1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (a)

D. 1. A computer has four main parts: monitor, CPU, keyboard and mouse.


• A monitor looks like a television screen.

• It shows the work that we do on a computer.

• We can watch cartoons and movies on the monitor.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

• CPU is called the brain of a computer.

• It is present inside the CPU box.

• It controls other parts of the computer.


• A keyboard consists of many buttons called keys.

• We press these keys to type letters, words and numbers.


• A computer mouse looks like a real mouse.

• It has a wire (cable) that connects the mouse to the CPU.

• It has two or more buttons.

• A mouse helps to point at objects on the monitor with a pointer.

• It helps us to draw pictures and play games on a computer.

Chapter 4: Using Computers: Do's and Don'ts

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Clean your computer with a ________________ cloth.

2. Do not snatch the mouse or any other ______________ from your classmates.

3. Do not sit very close to the ____________.

4. Do not run or ________ in the computer room.

5. Always sit ____________ on your chair while working on a computer.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Always clean your computer with a wet cloth.

2. Do not eat or drink near the computer.

3. Do not remove shoes before entering the computer room.

4. Keep the computer covered even when in use.

C. Match the columns.

    Column A                         Column B

1. Do not bang                     (a) Very close to the monitor

2. Do not run or play         (b) The computer parts

3. Do not play                     (c) Near the computer

4. Do not sit                         (d) Loud music

D. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the correct posture while working on a computer?

2. What should not be done while working on a computer?

Answers to Worksheet

A. 1. clean and dry

2. computer part

3. monitor

4. play

5. straight

B. 1. False 2. True

3. False 4. False

C. 1. (b) 2. (c)

3. (d) 4. (a)

D. 1. Follow the given points to maintain the correct posture while working on a computer.

• Always sit straight on your chair while working on a computer. Do not bend forward.

• Do not sit very close to the monitor. It is harmful for your eyes.

2. We should not do the following things while working on a computer.

• Do not eat or drink near the computer.

• Do not touch computer wires.

• Do not bang the computer or its parts. Do not snatch the mouse or any other computer

part from your classmates.

• Do not sit very close to the monitor. It is harmful for your eyes.

Chapter 5: Computer Mouse

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. The _____________ are used to select and click the items on a monitor.

2. A ______________ is present between the left and right buttons of a mouse.

3. A ______ connects a mouse to the CPU.

4. An arrow that we see on the monitor when a computer is ON is called _____________.

5. The pressing and releasing a mouse button is called ___________.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. We keep a mouse on a mouse pad.

2. Pressing and releasing a mouse button is called clicking.

3. A scroll wheel, wire (tail) and two or three clicking buttons are different parts of a mouse.

4. On moving the mouse, the pointer moves in the same direction.

C. Match the columns.

    Column A                 Column B

1. Mouse pointer         (a) Pressing the left button twice and release it

2. Clicking                 (b) Clicking the right button of a mouse

3. Right-click             (c) Arrow that we see on the monitor

4. Double-click         (d) Pressing and releasing a mouse button once

D. Answer the following questions.

1. Write the uses of a computer mouse.

2. Name the different parts of a mouse.

Answers to Worksheet

A. 1. mouse buttons

2. scroll-wheel

3. wire

4. mouse pointer

5. clicking

B. 1. True 2. True

3. True 4. True

C. 1. (c) 2. (d)

3. (b) 4. (a)

D. 1. A mouse has two or three buttons, a scroll-wheel and a wire (tail).

• Mouse Buttons

• Scroll-wheel

• Wire (Tail)

2. We do the following things using a mouse.

• Point at or select something on a monitor.

• Draw pictures.

• Play games on a computer.

Chapter 6: Computer Keyboard

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Buttons on a keyboard are called ______________.

2. The ______________ help us to type letters, words and sentences.

3. Number keys are present at ______________ places on the keyboard.

4. The ______________ helps us to move the cursor to the next line.

5. The process of pressing different keys of a keyboard to type words or numbers is called


B. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. Enter key is used to give space between letters, words or numbers.

2. The Backspace key deletes a letter, number or any other text to our left.

3. There are five arrow keys on a keyboard.

4. The Caps Lock key helps us to type capital letters.

D. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the function of the Caps lock key?

2. What is the difference between Delete key and Backspace key?

Answers to Worksheet

A. 1. keys

2. alphabet keys

3. two

4. Enter key

5. typing

B. 1. False 2. True

3. False 4. True

C. 1. (d) 2. (c)

3. (b) 4. (a)

D. 1. The Caps Lock key

helps us to type capital letters. When we press this key, a small

light is turned ON on the keyboard. The light turns off on pressing the Caps Lock key again.

2. Delete Key :The Delete key is used to delete or remove a letter, number or any other text to our right.

Backspace Key:The Backspace key deletes a letter, number or any other text to our left.

Chapter 7: Storage Devices

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. A memory card stores data in mobile phones and digital cameras.

2. A pen drive stores data and can be carried wherever needed.

3. A hard disk stores a huge amount of data and information.

4. We use storage devices to store and record a large amount of data and information for a long


5. A DVD also looks like a CD. It stores more data than a CD.

B. State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. A hard disk stores a huge amount of data and information.

2. A pen drive stores more data than a CD or DVD but less than a hard disk.

3. CD and DVD look similar. A DVD stores more data than a CD.

4. A memory card can be taken out from devices to view data on a computer.

C. Match the columns.

        Column A                             Column B

1. Hard disk                     (a) Stores data in mobile phones and digital cameras

2. Pen drive                     (b) Round shiny disk used to store data

3. CD/DVD                     (c) Box fixed inside the CPU box

4. Memory card                 (d) Stores more data than a CD or DVD

D. Answer the following questions.

1. What are storage devices used for? Name the various storage devices.

2. Write a few lines about memory card.

Answers to Worksheet

A. 1. natural things, man-made things

2. man-made

3. machines

4. smart

5. Smartphone

B. 1. True 2. False

3. True 4. False

C. 1. (c) 2. (d)

3. (b) 4. (a)

D. 1. We use storage devices to store and record a large amount of data and information for a long

time. Various storage devices are as follows.

• Hard Disk

• Pen Drive

• CD and DVD

• Memory Card

2. A memory card stores data in mobile phones and digital cameras. The card is small in size. We

can take this card out from devices to view data on a computer.
